On what basis can i object to a planning application

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What are valid reasons for objecting to a planning application?



What are 'valid reasons'?

This is a complex question issue as every application is different. However the following is a broad list of opportunities which can be put forward as the basis for objection. This list is neither definitive, nor 'recommended'. Please don't simply copy and paste this list into your objection correspondence - this really won't help your case!

If you need assistance with any of these issues - or you think there is definitely is cause for concern - we can provide the expert assistance you need to ensure the issue is confronted with maximum impact. Why not send us an enquiry to see what we can do for you? Or you may be interested in our e-book which will provide more specific, helpful advice.

Over-development or overcrowding of the site - particularly where the proposal is out of character in the area.

Negative / adverse visual impact of the development - particularly on the landscape and or locality

Detrimental effect of proposed development on the character of the local area

Effect of the development on the setting of a Listed Building

Highway safety - only if supported with detailed and technical evidence

If you need professional assistance to object to a planning application - contact us without delay!

About this site

This website and associated online services are provided by The Planning Objection Company Ltd (trading as iObject.co.uk). The business was founded in 2012 to provide a dedicated planning objection advice and consultancy service - specifically helping those people wishing to oppose planning proposals.

Planning applications submitted throughout the UK are able to be challenged by members of the public for a wide variety of reasons. However, how this is best achieved is generally unclear and can be extremely daunting to the uninitiated. We are planning consultants who specialise in helping people to get their views heard during the planning application phase of building and development projects. We currently cover the English and Welsh planning systems - which are governed by the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (As amended) and by various National Planning Policy Guidance, along with statute and related policies. Local plans and planning authorities also have their own individual planning policies that add additional layers of complexity to the objection and representation process.

We are here to make the objection process simple, concise and straightforward - enabling our customers to build the best possible case for halting inappropriate development.



About us

​Our team comprises private practice Professional Members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Professional Members of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), planning officers and independent planning specialists.

The company is proud to offer professional, ethical and bespoke, situation-appropriate advice. We are managed in accordance within the strict codes of professional conduct set out by both RICS and RTPI.

We operate from offices around England and deal with a wide variety of planning matters on a daily basis. We understand the planning system, know many of the planners involved and the appropriate way to enable our customers to make a professional objection to a planning application.

We insist on giving impartial, honest advice as part of providing our services and operate a strict system of client confidentiality and conflict avoidance. Our customers receive professional advice that is tailored to the planning application they want to object to.

The Legal Bit

The Planning Objection Company Ltd. (trading as iObject.co.uk)
Registered in England No. 09011392
Registered Address:
The Old Library, Hestercombe House, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Taunton, Somerset. TA2 8LG

© 2011 - 2021 All Rights Reserved

iObject is a Trademark of the Planning Objection Company Ltd