Series LLC Operating Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

The Series LLC operating agreement is an innovative concept that unites a series, aka cells, within one LLC. The concept was originally introduced by the State of Delaware.

Benefits of a Series LLC Operating Agreement

In Delaware, the law states a series limited liability company may be created using individual series of membership interests. When this type of business is formed, it is referred to as a Delaware series LLC.

Delaware series LLC benefits include:

By working as an independent business with the series structure, each cell is insulated from issues relating to other cells such as creditors, litigants, or claims by members.

The Delaware series LLC is similar to that of the "segregated portfolio companies" used in other countries such as the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, and any other country not under U.S. jurisdiction.

When forming a Delaware series LLC, no matter how many series/cells it contains, there is only one filing fee.

Series LLCs are considered one business and pay only one Registered Agent and one annual Franchise Tax fee versus paying separate fees and taxes associated with an individual LLC.

The formation of an LLC protects personal assets from obligations and debts incurred by the business.

Requirements for Forming a Series LLC

Information About a Series LLC Operating Agreement

Things to Consider When Forming a Series LLC

Series LLCs are a popular option, but there is still some uncertainty surrounding rules and regulations.


Q. Which states offer series LLCs?

A. Along with Delaware, the following states currently allow the formation of series LLCs: Wisconsin, Utah, Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Nevada, Montana, Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Q. Where do I get a DBA?

A. In the county or state where the property resides.

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