Submission guidelines

This section provides information on preparing your manuscript, including how to format and construct specific sections. These guidelines should be consulted alongside our Journal policy guidelines.

Key sections

Making a submission

All submissions (initial and revised) must be made via the journal’s online system, and not by email. ot be accepted.

Submissions should adhere to the requirements laid out in our submission checklists:

All papers are quality-controlled after submission. Papers that do not meet our requirements are returned to the authors for correction. This will delay the processing of your manuscript.

File formats

Authors should ensure submitted files are in an accepted format. If a paper is submitted in an unsupported file type it may be returned to you after an initial screening by the editorial team. This can delay the processing of manuscripts.


We only accept the following file formats: doc; docx; TeX.

Authors submitting LaTeX files may use any of the standard class files such as article.cls, revtex.cls or amsart.cls. Non-standard fonts should be avoided; please use the default Computer Modern fonts. For the inclusion of graphics, we recommend graphicx.sty. References should be included within the manuscript file itself as our system cannot accept BibTeX bibliography files. Authors who wish to use BibTeX to prepare their references should therefore copy the reference list from the .bbl file that BibTeX generates and paste it into the main manuscript .tex file (and delete the associated \bibliography and \bibliographystyle commands). As a final precaution, authors should ensure that the complete .tex file compiles successfully on their own system with no errors or warnings, before submission.

Figures and tables

We only accept the following file formats: psd; ai; eps; tiff; jpg; pdf (vector enabled); png; ps; gif; ppt; pptx; bmp; vsd; cdx; svg; emf; xlsx.

We can accept files that have been compressed into one of these formats where the contents of the folder are one of the other accepted file types listed: zip; 7zip; rar.

Preparing figures for initial submissions (peer review)

Figures should be uploaded on submission via our online submission system, in one of our preferred formats. Please use the smallest file size that provides sufficient resolution for their content to be clearly legible, preferably less than 1 MB, so that referees do not have to download extremely large files. They should be supplied at 300 dpi or greater.

Preparing figures for final publication

When possible, we prefer to use original digital figures to ensure the highest-quality reproduction in the journal. For optimal results, prepare figures to fit either one (87mm wide) or two columns (180mm wide). When creating and submitting digital files, please follow the guidelines below. Failure to do so, or to adhere to the following guidelines, can delay publication of your work.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any figures or illustrations that are protected by copyright. Figures that do not meet the below standards will not reproduce well and may delay publication until we receive high-resolution versions.