Kindle Formatting HTML Tutorial: eBook Template for Kindle MOBI format

HTML e-book Template Tutorial for Kindle

MOBI files are essentially one long HTML page — very similar to a Web page. It contains a header, footer and the content in-between called the body. The only part you really need to modify is the body — add your own manuscript to the HTML document.

To create the HTML file compatible for Kindle, you need a HEADER, FOOTER, and the BODY or the content in-between. Simply copy and paste the information into a Text editor to create your template. Then add your HTML converted manuscript to the Body.

TIP: A great source to learn HTML and play with coding online is See the Recommended Resources at the end of this mini-tutorial.



Every HTML coded page requires an HTML doctype declaration, opening tag, the title tag, the location of your style sheet (if any) and the opening /closing head tags. The only part you would ever need to touch is the Title – changing the content to the name of your book.


The body is the area where you paste your HTML formatted manuscript. All content falls between the opening and closing tags. Chapters are encased in the Heading or tags, and the content in paragraph or


Chapter 1

The content of the document……


The end of an HTM, which includes the closing tag.


This is a very Basic Tutorial on how to manually set up the HTML for a MOBI/Kindle e-book. Please note there are elements that will not be created in this file that need or should be included, such as page breaks and the start page, as well as a Clickable (Linkable) Table of Contents and reference to the Cover image. Although not required, they make for a better reader experience.

This template also will not create the OPF or NCX files, which produces the Logical Table of Contents feature, as well as informing the e-reader of the TOC and Cover locations. Again, not required, but readers like to have these features.


NOTE:This HTML template is a good starting foundation for an EPUB file; however EPUBs require the file to be an XHTML structure, needing an additional declaration for XHTML. In addition all the chapters need to be split up into separate pages.


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