ArcPy: Excel to Table Conversion and Join Management

I am trying to join an Excel table to a shapefile in ArcPy. My first step is to convert the Excel sheet to a table, but I am receiving an error:

#Convert xlsx to table: import os import xlrd import arcpy in_excel= r'C:\\Temp\\Planning\\Planning_Out\\JoinTest.xlsx' out_gdb= r'C:\\Temp\\Planning\\Planning_Out\\JoinTest.gdb' def importallsheets(in_excel, out_gdb): workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(in_excel) sheets = [ for sheet in workbook.sheets()] out_table= os.path.join(out_gdb,arcpy.ValidateTableName("_".format(os.path.basename(in_excel), sheet),out_gdb)) print('Converting <> to <>'.format(sheet, out_table)) # Perform the conversion arcpy.ExcelToTable_conversion(in_excel, out_table, sheet) 
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Temp\Planning\", line 52, in out_table= os.path.join(out_gdb,arcpy.ValidateTableName("_".format(os.path.basename(in_excel), sheet),out_gdb)) NameError: name 'sheet' is not defined 

My code was taken from: My thought process is that once the Excel file is converted to a table, I can join it to my shapefile using the following code:

# Make the shapefile a layer arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("merged_lines.shp", "tempLayer") # Set the local parameters inFeatures = "tempLayer" joinField = "Name" joinTable = r'C:\\Temp\\Planning\\Planning_Out\\JoinTest.gdb ' fieldList = ["Name", "Status"] # Join feature classes by joinField arcpy.JoinField_management (inFeatures, joinField, joinTable, joinField, fieldList) 

I am using version 10.3.1